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The Temple

Environment created using modular assets packs and models done by me.

Maya, Photoshop, Substance Painter, Unreal Engine.

01. Environment Creation


I created this environment using models from asset packs and others done by me. All the houses were built in a modular way except the temple that was modeled by me.

city props

02. Blueprint Interactions

Switch Camera

I wanted to have the interaction to change the perspective of the player from third to first person, so I created two cameras depending on the perspective and implemented with a blueprint.

switch cam blueprint

02. Blueprint Interactions

Chest Interaction

Also, I wanted to have an interactive chest with a key inside, and it was easy to make it work.

02. Blueprint Interactions

Coins Interaction

Another thing that I wanted is an interaction with multiple coins, so I created a counting system as I wanted. 

02. Blueprint Interactions

Wires Interaction

After the coins' interaction, they make possible to pass through these chains when the player collects three coins.

02. Blueprint Interactions

Door Interaction

With the door, I just wanted to have a simple interaction with them, having the rotation animation and sound. 

02. Blueprint Interactions

Line and Sphere Trace

To add sound effects and particles to the footsteps of the character, I created a line trace to detect what material was the player on. 


02. Blueprint Interactions

Footsteps Sounds and VFX

After detecting the material on which the player is walking, a different sound effect is played.

02. Blueprint Interactions

Water Sounds and VFX

Also using the Line trace and the Sphere trace when the character is in touch of the water, a different sound and the amount of particles that spawn is different.

02. Blueprint Interactions


I wanted to have a pause menu, so I created this one with the basic options like graphic settings, controls, quit and the start or continue of the game.

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